
This is a site in progress to show some of my photography.

Over to your right is the sidebar. In addition to an index that allows you to easily traverse the photos, I have placed gadgets that query news services for current events in photography and interesting web sites. Just click any query that is of interest. I often go into my own site just to see what is happening in the photography world.

Suggestions for new queries and site improvement are welcome; click or use the Comment section.

Enjoy!  Be sure to also look at my 20+ photos from my Rockville, Maryland, Glenview Mansion exhibit in October, 2009 - I guess its best categorization would be 'Street Photography'. And also look at the Ratner exhibit from July 2011. These exhibits contain several of my favorites.

Keep checking back - I'm always adding new photos.

Now just scroll down and click on the links under the photos. Click a picture for an enlarged view of all.

In the house

Whimsical, street photography

People and their activities, street photography

Scenics, landscapes, buildings
Flowers, birds, other animals

More of my favorites, ..., 'artsy' travel photos, ...,
also color, texture, geometry,.... 
 some portraits,.... 
and other potpourri

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