My Photos and other Artwork

This is a site in progress to show some of my photography. It will never be 'done', I hope.

Over to your right is the sidebar. In addition to an index that allows you to easily traverse the site, I have placed gadgets that query news services for current events in photography and interesting web sites. Just click any query that is of interest. I often go into my own site just to see what is happening in the photography world.
Suggestions for new queries and site improvement are welcome; click or use the Comment section.
Enjoy!  Be sure to also look at my 20+ photos from my Rockville, Maryland, Glenview Mansion exhibit in October, 2009 - I guess its best categorization would be 'Street Photography'. And also look at the Ratner exhibit from July 2011. These exhibits contain several of my favorites.

Keep checking back - I'm always adding new items.

In the House

Don't have to go around the world to find stuff to shoot.
Keep yourself busy on a rainy day.

Always a flower around...

And a pot to put it in.

Cat was lined up for a good geometric pattern.

Open the dishwasher.

Good tones of gray on an overcast day.

Button on my printer.
A collection or hobby. Here's a bunch of old ink bottles.

A pepper. Not an Edward Weston.

The red was from a TV commercial, the Pepto Bismol from the medicine cabinet. Juried into a local show, The Power of Color.

Thanks for looking.